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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

29.06.2023 / Sport competitions
1st place on first agility competition for Björn's daughter

1st place on first agility competition for Björn's daughter

Björn's daughter, Diuna Incredible Wolf, made her debut at the agility competition with 1st place  Congratulations!!
This is what her talented owner, Krystyna, posted:
"(...)I knew
I knew this female dog was gorgeous. I knew she had great potential, that she would surprise me... But what she did at her FIRST official competition blew me away!!
First of all, her life behavior around the competition - super mature, accepting a million stimuli around, not interacting with dogs, not reacting to taunts, beautiful resignation, sniffing, turning her head, COMMUNICATION - wow, an adult dog!!
Two - behavior on the track - she comes in and understands - she doesn't care about anything. He knows why he's there, he's happy about it, he's with me! I have the impression that a UFO could land behind the gang and they will still run like crazy until the end!
Three - HOW SHE RUNS! How she turns! I seriously don't understand how it happened that she develops such speeds and at the same time is so flexible and agile that she doesn't do overruns, she just curls up on her sides like a shrimp. we know that sometimes the pole will fly - we are learning this, but seriously, he doesn't touch most of the poles, which is unbelievable to me at this pace 
Committed, focused, reading handling... She behaves better than during training  (...)"

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