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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

11.09.2023 / Sport competitions
Dogfrisbee competition - "Latające Psy"

Dogfrisbee competition -

Last Saturday, September 2, 2023, we had the pleasure of taking part in the dogfrisbee competition - Flying Dogs Finish. My favorite competition wasn't there, but Björn and Torvi took part in ThrownGo1.
Björn scored 12th ex aequo out of 107 teams with 44 points
Torvi scored 19th ex aequo out of 107 teams with 35 points
We arrived almost late, but the starts were still very nice! What I need to work on the most is myself - for some reason I constantly spoil Torvi's performances with my throws. I guess I have in the back of my mind what possibilities and speed she has and I'm consumed by stage fright - I throw not on the field, but at people :o with Björn it's going smoothly, but with him I don't think I feel like we have anything to prove. Once I control my emotions, you will hear more about this bitch. (I could learn something from her because she is so focused on the task that nothing can disturb her in her work mode)
Only Torvi in the photos

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