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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

18.11.2023 / Puppies
Drive is waiting for a sporty home

Drive is waiting for a sporty home

Our Drive is still waiting for a home where he will be able to practice sports and have as much love as Patrycja gives him <3

"DRIVE of White Valhalla Wolves (BRAVE TORVI BEETLE Niktel & KINGDOM OF BJÖRN vom Weissen Birkenstolz) is a very social, cheerful and a bit crazy dog (the name perfectly reflects his character). You can definitely see his tail wagging first, and then the rest :D of a smaller build, has great enthusiasm for work, wonderfully focuses on people and will do anything for them without hesitation. He rides in the car without any problems, keeps himself clean and is used to a kennel. He walks beautifully on a leash, traffic is not a problem at all, people he loves, raised in a pack of dogs, very friendly <3 he sleeps under the desk all day at work in the office, he also stays at home for 8-9 hours without a problem, he goes with me to training, to the shops and on family trips. Huge motivation for food and a toy - preferably for a family that will have fun working with a shepherd - e.g. obedience, rescue, frisbee - let this huge potential be used <3 the boy definitely has to do something, he has a wonderful temperament for sports. I taught him the basics of obedience, fitness elements and a few tricks. I am totally in love with this dog and if I could, I would keep him! Drive is looking for the best home in the world, one where he will get as much love as he has here <3"

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