What's new in White Valhalla Wolves?
17.12.2024 / Puppies
Litter G is 7 weeks old since this sunday
The puppies turned 7 weeks old on Sunday, had their first bath with drying and another wonderful visit. On Monday they underwent a litter inspection with a very positive description: "A litter of 7 puppies was presented for the litter inspection - 3 males and 4 females. The litter is anatomically balanced, with clear gender differentiation. Good, strong heads, correct bites. Dark eyes. Strong backs, good angulation and positioning of the limbs. Very well socialized. Vaccinated and dewormed. Mother in very good condition."
05.11.2024 / Puppies
Litter E - the first 2 months in less than a minute
At the half-year anniversary of the "E" litter I made a video - the first 2 months of life in less than a minute. Wonderful memories :)
04.11.2024 / Puppies
Litter E will be 6 months old tommorrow
Eternal Flame, Eternal Storm & Eternal Light are 6 months old tomorrow :) Thank you for the photos and news!