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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

What's new in White Valhalla Wolves?

Cercella 10,5 weeks old

25.07.2023 / Puppies

Cercella 10,5 weeks old

Cercella, 10.5 weeks. The fluffiest girl in the litter, the calmest, nicely built and with a beautiful head. She is very people-oriented, trained to be clean and goes for walks. After a rich socialization program, including street traffic, a construction shop, and rides in a car.

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Celebrian, Courageous Björn and Cercella are already exploring the world on their own feet

24.07.2023 / Puppies

Celebrian, Courageous Björn and Cercella are already exploring the world on their own feet

Celebrían, Courageous Björn and Cercella (Over 10 weeks) are already exploring the world on their own feet. Walking along the street and the playground does not make any impression on them ;)

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Over 2 months of litter C in 2 minutes

19.07.2023 / Puppies

Over 2 months of litter C in 2 minutes

Is it possible to summarize over 2 months of your life in one minute? It's possible, although it wasn't easy! Especially considering how long it has been 2 months :D
Enjoy a summary of our adventure with litter C <3

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Walk on wheels for litter D

19.07.2023 / Puppies

Walk on wheels for litter D

A walk on wheels for the D litter <3 Greetings to everyone who was pleasantly surprised and cuddling :)

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8 weeks of litter D

18.07.2023 / Puppies

8 weeks of litter D

Puppies from litter D are 8 weeks old today <3 A fun trip awaits them today!

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