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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

What's new in White Valhalla Wolves?

Litter C over 9 weeks old

17.07.2023 / Puppies

Litter C over 9 weeks old

The puppies from litter C have already had 2 vaccinations and today they are going to visit... a construction store

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Socialization in construction store for litter C

17.07.2023 / Puppies

Socialization in construction store for litter C

As promised, we are posting a short report from today's socialization trip

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7 weeks of litter D

11.07.2023 / Puppies

7 weeks of litter D

Today litter D is 7 weeks old :) Click on the photos to find out their names

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8,5 weeks of litter C

10.07.2023 / Puppies

8,5 weeks of litter C

We are 8.5 weeks old ❤️ We are ready to change our home, but not everyone has it. Click on our photos to find out our names.

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Another walk on wheels for C litter

09.07.2023 / Puppies

Another walk on wheels for C litter

Another walk on wheels for C litter

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