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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

What's new in White Valhalla Wolves?

Litter C 6,5 weeks old

26.06.2023 / Puppies

Litter C 6,5 weeks old

We are already 6.5 weeks old. Some of us do not have future families yet. We have had 3 dewormings and the first vaccination. We got used to getting into the cage and had a very successful car ride. We love people very much and we wait for someone to love us back. ❤️

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4 weeks of litter D

20.06.2023 / Puppies

4 weeks of litter D

Puppies from litter D are 4 weeks old today <3 They have already stolen my heart in such a short time! See 4 photos of each of the 4 puppies on the occasion of their 4 weeks of age

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5,5 weeks of litter C

19.06.2023 / Puppies

5,5 weeks of litter C

Our 5,5 week old babies <3 Some still don't have their future homes

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4,5 weeks of cuteness of litter C

13.06.2023 / Puppies

4,5 weeks of cuteness of litter C

On the occasion of the modernization of the catwalk, puppies from litter C got a photo session today. 4.5 weeks of sweetness! Some are still waiting for the best homes

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Weekend full of visitors

10.06.2023 / Puppies

Weekend full of visitors

Yesterday puppies from litters C and D met a lot of new people!

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