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White Valhalla Wolves
White Swiss Shepherd Dog

What's new in White Valhalla Wolves?

Welcome litter C!

13.05.2023 / Puppies

Welcome litter C!

We welcomed 8 beautiful puppies of Walkiria and Björn. All information about this litter can be found in "Puppies" -> "Current Litter"

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Kaja and Björn

04.05.2023 / Everyday matters

Kaja and Björn

I couldn't help myself from sharing these pictues with you! The most beautiful thing is the relationship between Björn and Kaja. He lets her do anything to him, looks after her and always wants to be as close as possible. Even when she is not gentle enough with him, he is very patient and asks for more. She repays him with love and it's obvious that Björn is her nr 1

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1 place in Dog Show ranking for 2022

24.04.2023 / Shows

1 place in Dog Show ranking for 2022

Our Torvi won 1st place in the show ranking of the ZKwP Piaseczno for the best dog of the 1st FCI Group for 2022

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Torvi's pregnancy confirmed!

19.04.2023 / Puppies

Torvi's pregnancy confirmed!

Future puppies of our litter D will be looking for active homes

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Björn's gold medal in dogfrisbee competition

08.04.2023 / Sport competitions

Björn's gold medal in dogfrisbee competition

The dogs were flying today! And Björn flew all the way for a gold medal!
He took 1st place in the Dartbee competition out of 55 teams!
In the Throw&Go competition, he took 2nd place ex aequo out of 55 teams!
Well, the boy rocked, the years fly by and the form and willingness to work with him is unbreakable.
Torvi also had very successful performances, in Throw&Go even 11th ex aequo score out of 55 teams
Thank you for the great competition Dogfrisbee with PAJONKteam

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