What's new in White Valhalla Wolves?
20.07.2024 / Puppies
On July 17, 8 puppies were born - litter F (Torvi x Björn)
On July 17, 2024, 8 puppies were born (Torvi x Björn) - 2 females and 6 males <3
The birth was very efficient and went without any problems, Torvi is a great mother, she would prefer not to leave the puppies at all. She is doing great and so are all her children. Thank you for the excellent health care Felix Vet, Torvi had a check-up just before the birth and the next day to make sure everything would go smoothly
01.07.2024 / Puppies
Litter E 8 weeks old since yesterday
Yesterday, the puppies from litter E turned 8 weeks old. It's time to say goodbye :( I don't know how it all went by! Today I managed to bathe, dry, comb and trim their nails. And then quickly, while they are still clean, take photos!
12.06.2024 / Everyday matters
We are constantly training in breeding knowledge
A very interesting webinar on nutrition in the context of breeding, a great dose of knowledge.